domingo, 15 de julio de 2018

Modulo 7, semana 1 Nowadays

Module 7. My life in another language.
Week: UNIT I. Facts in the present and past.
Integrative activity “Nowadays”.
Student: Diana Lisset.
Teacher: Paulina 
Date: Wednesday February 28, 2018

Present continuous
Present simple
I am studying online preparatory school.
I go to work every day at two past fifteen.
Now I'm eating spaghetti and chicken
Every day I walk and do a little exercise.
I'm running through the countryside

I drink coffee only at night.
I'm dancing on the track with my brother.
I use my computer at night to perform my tasks.
I'm apologizing to my friend for not going to the movies with him.
Every morning I make food for my family.
I'm putting on the jacket that my dad gave me.
I rest one day a week, but I do
household chores.

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